Sunday 9 August 2015

Dogs & Pregnancy

Well, my husband & I found out that I'm pregnant. Holly seemed to know I was pregnant before I even knew. At first I thought I was imagining her reactions to the situation but I soon realized what she was trying to tell me. She's a lot calmer when we're around other dogs on walks & she no longer pulls on the lead. She's become a totally different dog now that she knows I'm pregnant. It'll be interesting to see how she acts once the baby arrives. So many changes will be occurring in the coming months. I think we're all looking forward to the future & everything it brings.

Thursday 30 July 2015

Cecil the lion

I am deeply saddened & outraged about what happened to Cecil. He was a well known lion & was supposed to be safe in the park that he lived in. Walter Palmer will never be able to redeem himself for killing him. I hope he gets punished for what he did because we can't allow anymore animals to get hunted or poached. If we don't take a stand now monsters like Palmer will think they can do whatever they want & we simply can't let that happen.                                                                  

Saturday 18 July 2015

Saturday Fun

Holly & I had a lovely day together today. I took her to a massive field that we rarely go to so she could have some fun. I have to say that she definitely had a good time so the trip was worth it. I love watching her explore her surroundings because she finds enjoyment in pretty much everything. I'd say we had a pretty enjoyable Saturday.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Bonding Again

Well, this week has been the start of a better bond between our youngest cat Charlotte & I. So far she's been coming in to sleep with me every morning after my husband leaves for work. This is new behaviour for her. When we first got Charlotte she was extremely close to me but everything changed when we got the boys. For quite awhile she was jealous of them because they spent a lot of time with me & that upset her. It took a long time but she has bonded with the boys & is no longer jealous of them now. This week has been a major breakthrough for Charlotte & I. She wants to be around me more & is now sleeping with me too. So it seems that we have finally bonded again & I'm grateful for that. I was starting to think it would never happen but luckily she's decided that I love everyone equally. I think she assumed I loved the boys more but now she understands the truth. In this house all of our pets are treated the same & that's how it'll always be.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Dog Days of Summer

Well, the summer heat wave has finally hit the UK this week so it's time to start thinking about protecting our pets from the excessive heat. Holly & I will certainly be doing a few things differently because of the heat. For example, we'll be going to the field to play at night starting tonight because it'll be cooler. Luckily for us the field is close by so we won't be far from home. We always have to protect our pets from the heat but we also have to think of ourselves too. So it'll benefit us both by going out at night for awhile. The dog days of summer have arrived finally but we'll enjoy it more by being careful.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Doggy Rebellion

Holly has been on a naughty streak for about a week now. It appears that our youngest cat Charlotte has fallen out with her for the time being. Holly has been reverting back to some of the bad behaviour that she had as a puppy. Which consisted of chasing Charlotte & not leaving her alone. So I've been the referee during their battles. Hopefully, Holly will snap out of it soon because I have to admit the situation is annoying not just for me but mainly for Charlotte. So for now just call me Referee Peg until the battles die down.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Summer Nights

Last summer my husband & I started a tradition where we sit outside with Holly on warm summer nights. Last night I sat outside with her & once again she managed to surprise me. I've always known that Holly has protective instincts but I never imagined that she'd feel the need to protect me from the cats that live in our neighbourhood but that's exactly what she did. She sprang to attention when she saw it & refused to leave my side. I have to admit that the whole situation made me laugh but it's nice to know that she'd be there for me if I ever did need protecting.

Monday 8 June 2015

2 Year Anniversary

Well, my husband & I have had Holly for 2 years now as of this month. Boy, has the time sure flown by. We've had a lot of great times together & hopefully we'll have a lot more. During the time that we've had her she's become a big part of my life & I treasure every moment. She's an exceptionally talented & loving companion. Life wouldn't be the same without her.                                     

Monday 1 June 2015

Matisse: The New Britain's Got Talent Winner

Matisse won the hearts of many in the UK from the very first audition but last night's performance was a real tear jerker. Matisse became the new Britain's Got Talent winner last night & you'll see why after you watch last night's performance. Might want to make sure you have tissues because you'll definitely need them. Hope everyone enjoys Matisse's exceptional talent.

Saturday 16 May 2015

How Holly Has Changed Me

I am extremely grateful that Holly is a part of my life. I've changed so much because of her. I grew up in a small town & in 2012 I moved to a completely different country. It was hard moving to a big city & for quite awhile I was so intimidated that I wouldn't venture far from the house. The thought of going out & exploring in a big city terrified me. However, everything changed the day we got Holly. She gave me the courage to start exploring my new surroundings. I'm a whole new person & it's all because of her. Now we explore everything together but because of her I also have the courage to explore on my own. Holly has changed my life for the better & I'll always be grateful to her.          

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Unconditional Love

Pets are an important part of a person's life & they become part of your family. I don't know where I'd be without our 3 cats & dog. They are so tuned into our feelings & emotions. They always know what to do when someone is sad or upset. Animals love us unconditionally & never ask anything in return. I have to admit that it would be nice if people could be more like that. People could learn a lot from animals that's for sure. Unconditional love is something that should never be taken for granted. Cherish your pets because they love us so much.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Mr. Popular Strikes Again

Well, Hutch has proved once again how popular he has become in our neighbourhood. My husband glanced out the kitchen window a few days ago & noticed that Hutch was with four other cats. In the beginning he only had one friend but it seems that he has found a few more now. I suppose it's nice that he has friends because he was always a loner before. He was the guard cat that used to sit on top of the shed keeping an eye on everything going on around him but now he's making friends & a lot more social. I have to admit that my husband & I enjoy watching him with his new friends. I wonder if our black cat Starsky will follow in his brother's footsteps & become popular too.                 

Friday 1 May 2015

Canal Adventures

Holly & I had an enjoyable day at the canal but boy we were both tired when we got home. She loves making new friends & she always does when we go out there. She's such a friendly & outgoing dog. I suppose she could teach me a few things because I've never been very outgoing. I've always been a rather shy person by nature. Although, I have to admit that I have changed since we have gotten Holly. Dogs have a way of making people more adventurous than they normally would be. So go out & have adventures with your dog because it's always good to liven up your life. Life would be boring if we didn't take a few risks. Besides, why should our dogs have all the fun?                                

Thursday 30 April 2015

My Dog The Protector

We have 3 cats & they all enjoy going outside to play but Holly always worries about them. Every time she sees Charlotte in the car park she starts whining & fretting. Charlotte is the youngest cat that we have so she's still sort of the baby of the family so to speak. It's a dog's instinct to be protective of the people & other animals in their lives. Holly has certainly proven that fact many times. She is very protective of all of us. She loves the cats & they love her in return. It's nice to see everyone getting along so well. It makes life in our household a lot easier but we certainly have fun with them. Life will never be boring with 4 pets to entertain us on a daily basis. Holly will always be our protector & that's the way it should be.                                                                                          

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Mr. Popular

Our cat Hutch used to be the tough cat in the neighbourhood that all the other cats avoided but now it seems that he's gained popularity with one cat in particular. In fact I'm starting to believe that she is Hutch's girlfriend. On Saturday I caught her in the hallway eating the cat food but when she saw me she jumped back out the window. It seems that she's hoping we'll adopt her into our family but sadly we already have 4 pets & can't afford more. Hopefully, she's not a stray but we'll never know for sure. Maybe Hutch is the main reason she's hanging around. I wonder how many more followers Hutch will get. Only time will tell I guess.                                                                

Saturday 18 April 2015

How Dogs Improve Our Quality of Life

Having dogs can help make our quality of life a lot better because when we walk them we're getting exercise just like they are. Before my husband & I got Holly I used to enjoy taking walks but I didn't take them on a regular basis. Now that we have Holly I lead a more active lifestyle. We go on walks everyday so I'm getting fresh air & exercise which is good for my overall well being. I feel a lot better about myself as a result. So remember walking your dog is great exercise for them but we also get the benefits of a better lifestyle as well. So go out & enjoy the fresh air with your dog because it'll do you good in the long run.

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday 16 April 2015

Disputes Regarding Our Dogs

There is a lot of discussion right now about how people need to make sure they clean up after their dogs when they're out & about. I totally agree with this because when Holly & I are out we constantly come across messes that other dogs have made. I always make sure I clean up after her because it's the right thing to do. Yesterday someone confronted me when I took her out to our back garden. They told me that Holly shouldn't be allowed in the garden because it's communal which means three other neighbours share it too. I informed this person that my husband & I clean up after her. I also need to point out that this person doesn't even live in our area. I have to admit the whole experience made me very angry because I always make sure I clean up after her. I feel that Holly has as much right to be out there as anyone & our landlord doesn't have a problem with us having her. Holly is very well behaved & gets along well with everyone she meets. Hopefully, this dispute is over now but if it isn't I'll continue to defend her no matter what because that's what dog owners do.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Adventures With Man's Best Friend

Holly & I went on our first canal walk of the season yesterday. It really is an adventure exploring the great outdoors with a dog. I love exploring everything with her. I have just as much fun as she does. It's a great way to bond with our beloved friends. So take some time out of your day to have outdoor adventures with your dogs. You'll relax & have fun too.

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday 5 April 2015

Freeview TV Ad - Cat & Budgie #catandbudgie

The Dog Whisperer

Cesar Millan is a brilliant man. He has such a passion for dogs & has great skill at training them as well as their owners. I've learned from watching his show The Dog Whisperer that dog owners are just as much to blame for their pet's behaviour as the dogs themselves. He teaches dog owners that in order to properly train them they have to be the pack leader. I have to agree with that theory because dogs understand packs. Dog training requires a lot of patience & repetition. That's why Cesar Millan is so brilliant at what he does. He respects dogs so they respect him in return. I highly recommend The Dog Whisperer because he knows everything about dog behaviour & I've learned a lot from watching the show. All dog owners would benefit from learning his techniques.

Thursday 2 April 2015


I'm happy to report that Holly is doing better. She's not completely better yet but for the most part her doggy blues are over. My husband & I felt very relieved to see improvement because normally she's a very healthy dog so naturally we had been worried. It's normal to fret when your pets are sick because we love them so much. Holly will be 3 years old this year & I've loved having her in my life. It's true what they say about dogs being man's best friend but in our case it's woman's best friend.

Sunday 29 March 2015

Doggy Blues

Dogs get depressed when they're sick just like people do. They hate not feeling up to playing & having fun like they normally do. Sadly, this weekend my dog Holly has been feeling the doggy blues. We had a get together for my husband's birthday yesterday & normally she loves company but she just wasn't up to her usual antics. Make sure your pets get extra cuddles when they're sick because even they need pampering when they have the blues. They have feelings just like people do. Hopefully, Holly will be on the road to recovery soon because I miss her happy doggy grin.          

Thursday 26 March 2015

Spring Is in the Air

Well, spring is approaching now & our cats seem to have an extra spring in their steps because of it. They love playing outside when the weather is nice & they're a lot more playful in the house too. It's nice to see them happy & enjoying themselves. Looking forward to the days ahead with our lovely cats. They may be independent but they love interaction with us too. My husband has them spoiled rotten but they deserve that kind of love & attention.                                                   

Monday 23 March 2015

House Full of Fun

It's a lot of fun around this house most of the time. With 3 cats & a dog there's often a lot of laughs. My husband loves teaching them new tricks. 2 of our cats Starsky & Hutch are quite silly. Hutch loves to roll over like a dog. He's always trying to do the things our dog does. Starsky is starting to do the same things now. I think Starsky doesn't like missing out so he decided to join in the fun. Always a barrel of laughs in this house. You never know what you'll see next.                                    

Friday 20 March 2015

Animal Hoarders

Last night I watched a television show about people that have a problem with animal hoarding. I couldn't believe the state that most of those animals were in. One couple in particular had 300 cats & most of them were sick. They were running a cat shelter from their house. Even though they clearly loved those cats they didn't have the financial resources to properly care for them. Eventually, they agreed to let the Humane Society take most of the cats away because they finally realized that the cats deserved better. They kept 85 of them & had to promise not to take anymore on. I have to admit that it was a difficult show to watch. Even though they weren't intentionally being cruel to those cats it was still cruel because they were sick & suffering. I can't condone mistreatment of animals. I believe that you should only have as many pets as you can afford to properly take care of. Pets deserve love & proper medical attention just like people do. So if you can't give them that then you shouldn't have pets.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Respect For Animals

I really admire Paul O Grady. He's so devoted to animals & does everything in his power to help them find homes. I love what he does for Battersea. He's alot like me because I also love animals. So lets have a toast for Paul O Grady because he's a wonderful man.

posted from Bloggeroid

The Joy of Pets

I can't remember a time when I haven't had pets in my life. I've been surrounded by the joy of pets since I was born. Everything from dogs, a cat, birds, fish & a rabbit that I adored. Not all at the same time of course because that would've been a zoo. Even now as an adult I still have pets in my life. My husband & I have 3 cats & dog that we love very much. Animals love us unconditionally & you never have to doubt how they feel about you. Sadly, people aren't always like that. That's why pets are so much a part of our families. We cherish them as if they were our children even though they're not. They're faithful friends that you can always count on no matter how you're feeling or what you might be going through. I simply couldn't imagine a life without pets.