Sunday 9 October 2016

The Outsider

Having a baby sure does change everything in a household. Being a mother has been a blessing but unfortunately our youngest cat has been feeling like an outsider lately. Everytime she wants to get on my lap my daughter is there so she can't. Yesterday she spent most of the day sulking. I try to involve her as much as I can but at the moment she just isn't having it. With her it's all or nothing I suppose.

Friday 3 June 2016

Cats Do The Darndest Things

Our daughter seems to have made friends with our cats now that Holly is gone. They are extremely protective of her & are always looking out for her. She's so lucky that she gets to grow up in a household that has pets because she'll learn to love & respect animals. Not only that but she'll have furry companions which is never a bad thing.

Thursday 2 June 2016

My New Life

Well it has been a long time since I posted anything but I'm back now. I'm now a new mother so I've been extremely busy. Sadly, my husband & I had to find our dog Holly a new home because she became unhappy when the baby was born. Luckily, we found her a loving home so her life will be better now. I miss her so much but I know we did what was best for her in the end. Her happiness matters more than anything so we did the right thing.