Sunday 29 March 2015

Doggy Blues

Dogs get depressed when they're sick just like people do. They hate not feeling up to playing & having fun like they normally do. Sadly, this weekend my dog Holly has been feeling the doggy blues. We had a get together for my husband's birthday yesterday & normally she loves company but she just wasn't up to her usual antics. Make sure your pets get extra cuddles when they're sick because even they need pampering when they have the blues. They have feelings just like people do. Hopefully, Holly will be on the road to recovery soon because I miss her happy doggy grin.          

Thursday 26 March 2015

Spring Is in the Air

Well, spring is approaching now & our cats seem to have an extra spring in their steps because of it. They love playing outside when the weather is nice & they're a lot more playful in the house too. It's nice to see them happy & enjoying themselves. Looking forward to the days ahead with our lovely cats. They may be independent but they love interaction with us too. My husband has them spoiled rotten but they deserve that kind of love & attention.                                                   

Monday 23 March 2015

House Full of Fun

It's a lot of fun around this house most of the time. With 3 cats & a dog there's often a lot of laughs. My husband loves teaching them new tricks. 2 of our cats Starsky & Hutch are quite silly. Hutch loves to roll over like a dog. He's always trying to do the things our dog does. Starsky is starting to do the same things now. I think Starsky doesn't like missing out so he decided to join in the fun. Always a barrel of laughs in this house. You never know what you'll see next.                                    

Friday 20 March 2015

Animal Hoarders

Last night I watched a television show about people that have a problem with animal hoarding. I couldn't believe the state that most of those animals were in. One couple in particular had 300 cats & most of them were sick. They were running a cat shelter from their house. Even though they clearly loved those cats they didn't have the financial resources to properly care for them. Eventually, they agreed to let the Humane Society take most of the cats away because they finally realized that the cats deserved better. They kept 85 of them & had to promise not to take anymore on. I have to admit that it was a difficult show to watch. Even though they weren't intentionally being cruel to those cats it was still cruel because they were sick & suffering. I can't condone mistreatment of animals. I believe that you should only have as many pets as you can afford to properly take care of. Pets deserve love & proper medical attention just like people do. So if you can't give them that then you shouldn't have pets.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Respect For Animals

I really admire Paul O Grady. He's so devoted to animals & does everything in his power to help them find homes. I love what he does for Battersea. He's alot like me because I also love animals. So lets have a toast for Paul O Grady because he's a wonderful man.

posted from Bloggeroid

The Joy of Pets

I can't remember a time when I haven't had pets in my life. I've been surrounded by the joy of pets since I was born. Everything from dogs, a cat, birds, fish & a rabbit that I adored. Not all at the same time of course because that would've been a zoo. Even now as an adult I still have pets in my life. My husband & I have 3 cats & dog that we love very much. Animals love us unconditionally & you never have to doubt how they feel about you. Sadly, people aren't always like that. That's why pets are so much a part of our families. We cherish them as if they were our children even though they're not. They're faithful friends that you can always count on no matter how you're feeling or what you might be going through. I simply couldn't imagine a life without pets.