Thursday 30 April 2015

My Dog The Protector

We have 3 cats & they all enjoy going outside to play but Holly always worries about them. Every time she sees Charlotte in the car park she starts whining & fretting. Charlotte is the youngest cat that we have so she's still sort of the baby of the family so to speak. It's a dog's instinct to be protective of the people & other animals in their lives. Holly has certainly proven that fact many times. She is very protective of all of us. She loves the cats & they love her in return. It's nice to see everyone getting along so well. It makes life in our household a lot easier but we certainly have fun with them. Life will never be boring with 4 pets to entertain us on a daily basis. Holly will always be our protector & that's the way it should be.                                                                                          

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Mr. Popular

Our cat Hutch used to be the tough cat in the neighbourhood that all the other cats avoided but now it seems that he's gained popularity with one cat in particular. In fact I'm starting to believe that she is Hutch's girlfriend. On Saturday I caught her in the hallway eating the cat food but when she saw me she jumped back out the window. It seems that she's hoping we'll adopt her into our family but sadly we already have 4 pets & can't afford more. Hopefully, she's not a stray but we'll never know for sure. Maybe Hutch is the main reason she's hanging around. I wonder how many more followers Hutch will get. Only time will tell I guess.                                                                

Saturday 18 April 2015

How Dogs Improve Our Quality of Life

Having dogs can help make our quality of life a lot better because when we walk them we're getting exercise just like they are. Before my husband & I got Holly I used to enjoy taking walks but I didn't take them on a regular basis. Now that we have Holly I lead a more active lifestyle. We go on walks everyday so I'm getting fresh air & exercise which is good for my overall well being. I feel a lot better about myself as a result. So remember walking your dog is great exercise for them but we also get the benefits of a better lifestyle as well. So go out & enjoy the fresh air with your dog because it'll do you good in the long run.

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday 16 April 2015

Disputes Regarding Our Dogs

There is a lot of discussion right now about how people need to make sure they clean up after their dogs when they're out & about. I totally agree with this because when Holly & I are out we constantly come across messes that other dogs have made. I always make sure I clean up after her because it's the right thing to do. Yesterday someone confronted me when I took her out to our back garden. They told me that Holly shouldn't be allowed in the garden because it's communal which means three other neighbours share it too. I informed this person that my husband & I clean up after her. I also need to point out that this person doesn't even live in our area. I have to admit the whole experience made me very angry because I always make sure I clean up after her. I feel that Holly has as much right to be out there as anyone & our landlord doesn't have a problem with us having her. Holly is very well behaved & gets along well with everyone she meets. Hopefully, this dispute is over now but if it isn't I'll continue to defend her no matter what because that's what dog owners do.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Adventures With Man's Best Friend

Holly & I went on our first canal walk of the season yesterday. It really is an adventure exploring the great outdoors with a dog. I love exploring everything with her. I have just as much fun as she does. It's a great way to bond with our beloved friends. So take some time out of your day to have outdoor adventures with your dogs. You'll relax & have fun too.

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday 5 April 2015

Freeview TV Ad - Cat & Budgie #catandbudgie

The Dog Whisperer

Cesar Millan is a brilliant man. He has such a passion for dogs & has great skill at training them as well as their owners. I've learned from watching his show The Dog Whisperer that dog owners are just as much to blame for their pet's behaviour as the dogs themselves. He teaches dog owners that in order to properly train them they have to be the pack leader. I have to agree with that theory because dogs understand packs. Dog training requires a lot of patience & repetition. That's why Cesar Millan is so brilliant at what he does. He respects dogs so they respect him in return. I highly recommend The Dog Whisperer because he knows everything about dog behaviour & I've learned a lot from watching the show. All dog owners would benefit from learning his techniques.

Thursday 2 April 2015


I'm happy to report that Holly is doing better. She's not completely better yet but for the most part her doggy blues are over. My husband & I felt very relieved to see improvement because normally she's a very healthy dog so naturally we had been worried. It's normal to fret when your pets are sick because we love them so much. Holly will be 3 years old this year & I've loved having her in my life. It's true what they say about dogs being man's best friend but in our case it's woman's best friend.