Wednesday 24 June 2015

Doggy Rebellion

Holly has been on a naughty streak for about a week now. It appears that our youngest cat Charlotte has fallen out with her for the time being. Holly has been reverting back to some of the bad behaviour that she had as a puppy. Which consisted of chasing Charlotte & not leaving her alone. So I've been the referee during their battles. Hopefully, Holly will snap out of it soon because I have to admit the situation is annoying not just for me but mainly for Charlotte. So for now just call me Referee Peg until the battles die down.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Summer Nights

Last summer my husband & I started a tradition where we sit outside with Holly on warm summer nights. Last night I sat outside with her & once again she managed to surprise me. I've always known that Holly has protective instincts but I never imagined that she'd feel the need to protect me from the cats that live in our neighbourhood but that's exactly what she did. She sprang to attention when she saw it & refused to leave my side. I have to admit that the whole situation made me laugh but it's nice to know that she'd be there for me if I ever did need protecting.

Monday 8 June 2015

2 Year Anniversary

Well, my husband & I have had Holly for 2 years now as of this month. Boy, has the time sure flown by. We've had a lot of great times together & hopefully we'll have a lot more. During the time that we've had her she's become a big part of my life & I treasure every moment. She's an exceptionally talented & loving companion. Life wouldn't be the same without her.                                     

Monday 1 June 2015

Matisse: The New Britain's Got Talent Winner

Matisse won the hearts of many in the UK from the very first audition but last night's performance was a real tear jerker. Matisse became the new Britain's Got Talent winner last night & you'll see why after you watch last night's performance. Might want to make sure you have tissues because you'll definitely need them. Hope everyone enjoys Matisse's exceptional talent.